Business Valuation

Litigation Support

As a leader in financial valuation services, we have successfully helped thousands of clients since 1985.

We provide valuation and consulting services for clients and attorneys in a broad range of needs, including federal estate and gift tax transfers; discount valuation for intrafamily transfers; fairness opinions; shareholder disputes; minority shareholder actions (California code section 1800 and 2000); buy-sell agreement language; Goodwill allocation between “personal” and enterprise goodwill in connection with “C” corporation transactions; and consulting on valuation for internal transfers.

Wallace & Gary Valuation Advisors, Inc. has worked with clients and attorneys to assist in positions on valuations for both estate and gift tax valuations. The firm has often been engaged to assist in valuation positions taken by clients and/or attorneys and their advisors where W&G did not perform the original valuation.

Our firm was founded in Sacramento nearly 40 years ago. Today, Wallace & Gary Valuation Advisors, Inc. is an established leader in Business Valuation, and Litigation Support. We serve a wide range of clients from small businesses to large corporations, and clients nationwide.

We are committed to providing the best financial counsel, services and resources to help our clients achieve their goals. We will work hard to help you attain the most accurate and defend-able results possible.

For more information on the Firm’s valuation services, please contact us.